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Day 45 Vol. 2: Hammer and a little jetlag

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I flew in from Vegas and this was the first thing I did when I got back.  The jet lag kicked my but big time.  I was extremely winded.  Who would have thought?  I mean I was only gone for four days.  I have to admit I wanted to see how I handled the WOD after a flight—never done it before.  Overall, I was happy!


5 rounds, each for time

5 Power clean (135/96)

10 Front squat (135/95)

5 Jerks (135/95)

20 Pull-ups

Rest 90 Seconds

This was a truly tough WOD.  It was long and grueling, but well worth it! The Power cleans were solid!  So were the front squats.  The jerks were really fun!  The pull-ups kicked butt big time!  The 30 second rest between rounds was nice.

Stronger than yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: Breakfast wrap, coffee


Meal 2: coffee


Meal 3: missed it


Meal 4: Grilled chicken wrap


Meal 5: soup and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and cliff bar

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