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Day 41 Vol. 2: Valentine’s day WOD!

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Talk about a wild WOD!  It was really fun!   I totally loved it!  It kicked my butt big time!  It was a good day!


Big Sky CrossFit’s Valentine to everybody!


200 M Row

14 oVer head lunge (95/65)

13 hAndstand Push-ups

200 M Row

14 ab roLlouts

13 burpEes

200 M Row

14 power cLeans (95/65)

13 rIng dips

200 M Row

14 power sNatch (95/65)

13 bar musclEups

200 M Row

I need to work on all of it, but since it was a high volumn WOD, I am happy I completed it!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1:  eggss, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Turkey and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5:  Chicken  and salad


Meal 6: missed it: Junk food at the Palms (long story)

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