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Archive for February 2013

Day 36 Vol. 2: Cool WOD!

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I had already done 5 days in a row.  I had planned on doing an active rest day, but they had an odd number, so I partnered up with my bud Chris.  We rocked it out!


Partner WOD:

3 Rounds:

Walking Lunges @ 75 lbs. sandbag

10 wallballs

5 pikes

Walking Lunges @ 75 lbs. sandbag

Cash: 30 tire flips (Chris and I flipped the largest tire at the box.  It was big!)

It was a fun WOD!  I really liked the whole thing, and I love doing tire flips.  The next day I was really sore!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: bacon and eggss, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Beef jerky and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: Chicken and salad


Meal 6: Primal cheeseburger and salad

Day 35 Vol. 2: Cindy is a jerk!

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I loved this WOD.  It was fun.  It is scary when you are in the WOD and you are looking forward to do the Cindy part over the lift.


Cindy is a Jerk!

Clean and Jerk (Pick your poison: 135 lbs.)


After each round of do one round of Cindy

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

Time: 22: something

This Wod really help develop my suck.  Not much to say other than we start with 10 reps of the jerk and worked down.  The big thing I found was if you made it to 7 without questioning anything things went well.   I was happy with the weight and the time.  It was a great day



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: bacon and eggs, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Beef jerky and V-8 juice


Meal 4: missed it


Meal 5: Chicken and salad


Meal 6: Paleo burger, salad, potato chips at Bert and Ernies

Day 34 Vol. 2: Core Gone Bad!

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This was a really interesting WOD.  We did all core for three rounds with a 1 minute break between each round.


Fight Gone Core!

Toes to Bar

Twisted planks

Weighted situps

Barbell  Reverse curls  to the side using 135 lbs.


I love this type of WOD.  All the exercises were challenging.  The toes to bar was tough just holding on.  I was tired.  The planks really hit my hips nicely.  The weight situps are are really hard because you have to look through the plate’s hole.  I did a 45 lb plate.  We the reverse curls holding a bar bell with weight in the air at 135 lbs by the third round I could not get the bar up.  The twists were just tough.  I really liked the WOD!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: bacon and eggss, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Beef jerky and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: Cod and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and jerky, cliff bar

Day 33: Brina and Overhead squats

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Happy Birthday Brina!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, this was an interesting test for me.  I still need to develop more mobility in the hips.  When I do the Overhead squat, I still cannot get as low as Ryan wants me to be at: about 6 inches I am off.  This was a good benchmark


Brina’s Bday WOD! What could it be? Well i know the consensus of people already know the answer to that. I mean it has be a movement with a squat right…? And just so everyone knows, this is her doing not mine.


24 Min Time Cap

100 Overhead Squats (you pick your poison)

Every Min on the Min 10 Grasshoppers


The Overhead squats I started with a 45 lb bar but the mobility was not there yet.  So I finished with a PVC pipe.  The grasshoppers sucked!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: bacon and eggss, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Beef jerky and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: Cod and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and jerky, cliff bar

Day 32: It was a good day!

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I was really happy with the WOD and the progress I am making.  The wod went very wel.  All of it iwas solid.  The only thing I did not do RXed was the box jumps  I 24 inches instead of 30.


4 Rounds

9 Box Jumps (30/24)

12 Deadlift (225/155)

15 Toes Through Rings

18 Push-ups

The box jumps were good.  I can’t wait until my body adjusts and I get higher on the jumps!  The deadlifts were very good.  The first two rounds—unbroken.  I was thrilled.  The Toes through the rings kicked my butt.  The pushups were solid too!!!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: Turkey links, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Beef jerky and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: Cod and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and jerky, cliff bar

Day 31: It was Alicia’s Birthday!!!!

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It was Alicia’s big 2-7!  Ryan came up with a WOD that was tough I liked it overall though!


Alicia’s Birthday WOD


27 Double Unders

7 Power Cleans (135/95)

7 Handstand Push-ups

2 Min Rest


27 Air Squats

7 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

7 Bar Facing Burpees

I did the tucks then I practiced my Double Under form.  I like the Power cleans.  I did pikes instead of modified handstands because of the space issue.  There were a lot of people at the box.  I was really happy with the squat.  I was nailing the medicine ball.  I was happy I think I made a significant move regarding my depth in a positive manner.  I did the shoulders un-broken.  I was thrilled I did all the burpee jumps totally correct!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1eggs, sausage, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Tuna and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: chicken marsala  and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and jerky, cliff bar

Day 28 Vol. 2: Amanda Humbled me!

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I was humbled by Amanda.  We had to do 3 burpee pull-ups if we did not do muscles ups.  I missed every squat snatch—very frustrating, but I need to work on this big time!  New goals to hit!




Muscle Ups

Squat Snatches (135/95)

The burpee pull-ups were 27, 21,and 15— very tough! The squat snatches I really struggle with, but I  will work on the form.  There is a lot to do!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: Primal cheeseburger, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Turkey and ham and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: salmon  and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and jerky, cliff bar


Day 29 and Day 30 Vol. 2: Rest days

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Workout: 02/01-02/13

Both days turned into rest days.  Saturday I was teaching and Sunday was my normal rest day.




Meal 1: 2 missed it

Meal 2: Skakelogy

Meal 3 : beef jerky and fruit and nuts

Meal 4:  Chicken, bacon stir fry

Meal 5: Turkey sausage and salad


Meal 1: 2 Roast Beef and spinach salad

Meal 2: fruit and teo bratwursts

Meal 3 : Spinach Quiche

Meal 4:  Bellpeppers stuffed withcream cheese and wrapped with bacon.  A liitle too sweet.  You need hot peppers!!

Meal 5: Grilled chicken salad

Meal 6: fruit + Talipa

This is really interesting.  I am really getting hungry all the time now.  Absolutely crazy!

Day 27 Vol.2: A 15 minute AMRAP!!!

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I liked this AMRAP  I had fun and I felt I pushed myself well!!!  Plus, I signed up for the Open!


15 Min AMRAP

5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

5 Push-ups


10 KB Swings (55/35)

10 Wallballs (20/14)

7 rounds + 5 pull-ups and pushups

Who is signing up for the CrossFit Open? I am!


The pull-ups were fun!  The push ups—solid!  I love KB swings.  The wallballs: I need to get lower!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: Bacon, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Turkey and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: Chicken and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and jerky, cliff bar

Day 26 Vol. 2: Embrace the Suck!!!!!!!!!! I need too!

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I liked this WOD.  It really taught me about my suck and the need to work on my stamina involving embracing the pain!   I hit half the WOD and the other 5 I thought I was tired or that was a excuse maybe?  Yep I am sure it was!  I need to work on just getting back on the bar and hitting it!!!!!  A ton to work on!


10 Min to work on squat clean and Jerk


Every Min on the min for 10 Min

3 Squat cleans + 1 Jerk

5 Toes to Bar

I hit 5 out of the 10

I really liked the Olympic work plus the Toes to bars were fun, but WOW!  Ten rounds was a lot!!!!!!



Stronger than Yesterday!!!!!


Meal 1: Bacon, V-8, and fruit


Meal 2: myoplex


Meal 3: Turkey and V-8 juice


Meal 4: Shakeology


Meal 5: Chicken and salad


Meal 6: Fruit and jerky, cliff bar